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:: All About Easy Cooking with Molly and More ::
Hello/Namaste, I’m Molly Kumar, the owner/ recipe developer/ post creator/ food photographer/ stylist behind ‘Easy Cooking with Molly’.
Molly Kumar from Easy Cooking with Molly
I have been ‘Featured-On’ many places both online and in print. You can find more by clicking this picture:
I’m from New Delhi (India) and have been living in sunny California for many many years now.
My early memories of food are around the age of 3, following my mom in the kitchen which was like a treasure trove.
Filled with a variety of spices from India or outside, vegetables, meat n of course utensils that would keep an inquisitive young girl happy for hours.
I would touch all the utensils, taste any and all kinds of spices (some really nasty too) whatever my tiny hands could find, and soon figured out my favorite ones ‘Sugar, Mango Powder & Cinnamon‘.
In between all this, I baked my first cake at the age of 5 (under the watchful eyes of my MOM).
To date, I can remember that moment so vividly…
“the kitchen smelled divine & while the cake baked, you could lick the leftover batter from the fork”
WHAT else would you want from life right?
The first bite of that delicious freshly baked cake – I fell in LOVE with Food, Baking & Cooking!
But as you grow, get into the worldly stuff and actually end up doing something you may like second best.
So I ended up being an HR Manager in a multi-national company but food always remained my passion.
Whenever I found the time, I would cook for friends and family.
Even on the day’s when I’m most stressed, making a simple dish takes me to a zen state of mind.
In-between all things, I shifted from ‘Meri Dilli’ (New Delhi) to USA, and suddenly what was once hobby cooking changed to an everyday necessity.
The best part in all this, I landed in “CALIFORNIA”, a state which is famous for its diversity & culture!!
In other terms, a gold mine of spices n condiments from all over the world.
I’ve tried my hands on whatever spices I can find in stores/online and have made some not so bad to some finger-licking fusion recipes.
I’m not saying I’m a perfect cook but yes, I can sure cook up a storm that you wish comes often 😉
Quick Thai String Bean Chicken Recipe
If given a chance and time permits, we would not want to repeat the same dishes for months….in simple terms, we want variety in every meal – every day and so did most of our family n friends.
And they wanted minute details of our recipes, so ‘Easy Cooking with Molly‘ was born.
On my site, you’ll find recipes from Indian to Fusion of World Ingredients.
I take pride in my recipes, cause I try to make them less oily, quick, and flavorful.
While doing all this, I also realized (seeing the amusement on my colleague’s faces) that they couldn’t believe that Indian cuisine actually offers much more than :
“Butter Chicken / Tandoori Chicken / Naan / ETC”
Or the regular food that you see in the restaurants.
We definitely have tons of variety in every category be it snacks/sides/entree/vegan/ gluten-free, etc.
So that’s one more thing you’ll find on my site other than the already famous Indian recipes.
So that sums most of the things about me and ‘Easy Cooking with Molly‘.
If you would like to more than definitely drop a comment below.
OMG, How did I MISS the Most Important part of my blog……
Did I also tell you a secret to my flavorful cooking apart from spices?
It’s MUSIC! You heard it right, no music = no cooking in my kitchen.
Write to me or Drop a comment below as I LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you and if you choose to make any of my recipes!!
PLEASE do send me pics or #easycookingwithmolly on any of social media.
Quick Restaurant Style Vegetable Biryani
Patricia @ Grab a Plate September 24, 2015 (1:22 am)
Hi Molly! Great site! I’m in the Food Bloggers Central group and for some reason, just happened to fall in love with your logo/header! Anyway, just wanted to say hello! 🙂 Cheers!
Molly Kumar September 24, 2015 (4:29 am)
Hi Patricia, Thanks so much for visiting my site and I’m so glad you liked the header. Had been working on it for couple of days (almost created 10 samples) n finally went ahead with this one 🙂 Hugs, Molly
Molly Kumar August 11, 2015 (5:33 am)
Hahahha, so true bhaiya 😉
Molly Kumar May 17, 2012 (3:23 am)
Thanks Shannon !!!
Hope u enjoy the recipes, Happy Cooking !!!
Shannon May 16, 2012 (8:39 pm)
Hi Molly, I'm stopping over from SITS. I also joined your blog and look forward to learning some different style of cooking. Good luck in all that you do!
Getting Into Truffle
theseasidebaker May 8, 2012 (10:33 pm)
Thanks for friend requesting me on TK. I am so excited…I have dying to learn how to make good Indian food, looks like your blog is going to help me!!!! Great blog!
Molly Kumar May 17, 2012 (3:16 am)
Thanks and Hope u enjoy the recipes 🙂
Nishima April 20, 2012 (10:55 am)
Loved your recipe of Chicken Shami Kebabs…..ur page is in my Favorite list molly! waiting for my recipes….
Molly Kumar April 26, 2012 (8:58 pm)
Thanks Nishima, I hope u have fun making these recipes 🙂
Sonali Sarpotdar April 20, 2012 (2:37 am)
Awesome Molly…bookmarked and ready for reference now!
Molly Kumar April 20, 2012 (7:17 am)
Thank you, Enjoy !!!
Monika April 19, 2012 (7:26 pm)
YUMMY!!! Wish you all the very best!
You owe a bite of every new recipe that you post on your blog!
Your discount will be only desserts(excluding cakes- my kids love them)!!!
Molly Kumar April 20, 2012 (7:17 am)
Thanks Monika, you are one of my tasters n tester
jaya lall April 19, 2012 (6:29 am)
ALL the very best MOLLY hope that i can cook n bake like u !!
Molly Kumar April 20, 2012 (7:15 am)
Thanks Jaya, I know you cook well :))